Lava 20 Detail
Owl Lava Detail 20 is a single component, liquid-applied, polyurethane multi-purpose waterproofer for complex roofing detail structures. Permanent elastic, reinforced by fibers. It is used to waterproof details on roofs like exhaust pipes, light domes, gutters, flashings etc. This product can be applied in temperatures down to 0°C.
Due to its unique formation, it cures rapidly to form a bubble-free thick layer membrane with excellent mechanical properties.
Lava Detail 20 is ideal for the waterproofing and protection of flashings, wall-floor connections, chimneys, pipes, photovoltaic systems, air conditioning units and gutters.
- No reinforcement necessary
- Fast curing. Skin formation time of 2 hours at 20ºC
- Bubble and defect free membrane
- Excellent weather and UV resistance
- Excellent thermal resistance, the product never turns soft. Recommended service temperature 80ºC, max shock temperature 200ºC
- Resistance in the cold – remains elastic even down to -40ºC
- Excellent mechanical properties, high tensile and tear strength, high abrasion resistance
- Good chemical resistance
Owl Lava Detail 20 is ideal for use during the winter months or in climates with relatively low humidity. Not recommended for unsound or structurally deteriorated substrates.
Lava 20 Vertical
Lava 20 VERTICAL is our new product from the OWL Lava 20 Liquid Polyurethane System. It is essentially Lava20 with a higher viscosity, specially designed for applications on Vertical surfaces.